Thursday, June 16, 2005

I Just Watched the Hearing - Powerful!

I don't have time for a full update at the moment, but it was extremely moving, inspiring and heartening. I watched it on C-SPAN 3 on my computer, since my Adelphia Cable with a zillion channels isn't carrying C-SPAN. That's all right - at least I saw it. Wish I could see them take the letter to the White House, though...


Anonymous said...

I only saw the last 45 mins! It ROCKED!! I felt so great. At then end, I cheered along with them. Because I was one of the 561,000 petition-signers, and I linked to AfterDowningStreet.Org and disseminated info for David Swanson, as did you, and hell, girl, we helped get something going.

I am really psyched. Can't wait for stories tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and don't think that I'm so serious I didn't get sort of a chuckle at the fact they were smooshed into a small basement room ... actually, I think that worked in their favor! And they were all so cooool about it.

Yay for us; yay for those very VERY brave folks. I only tonight realized just how very brave they are.


wanda said...

I noticed Chris Matthews's show was on the memo's tonight. And it was actually worth watching. Maybe now some of the other MSM's will take notice. But if not, we bloggers can keep the fires burning.

Crabbi said...

C-SPAN is re-airing the DSM meeting tomorrow at 8 EST.

Good point, Helen, about the basement. They were all quite dignified about it, and that just makes those idiot Repugs look even more petty and childish.

Alicia Morgan said...

Lady friends -

Yes, I felt really proud to be even a small part of such an important gathering. I'm proud of them, and proud of us.

Can you believe that the representatives of 560,000 people were crammed into a tiny basement room? That room may become famous one day...