Enough talking about how Trump is a
'different kind of President'. Enough making excuses for his
unacceptable behavior. Enough saying he should be 'taken seriously but
not literally'.
Do you hear what you are saying, you idiots?
You are saying that it's OK for the President of the United States to lie.
And it's our job to deal with it and try to figure it out somehow.
That is crazy talk, my friends.
is not a question of Democrat or Republican, of left or right. To be
honest, Donald Trump could have just as easily been a Democratic
candidate. For most of his life, his political leanings (as well as his
party registration) have been aligned with the Democratic party. His
personal life certainly has not hewed to what would be considered
traditional conservative values, to say the least. And many of his
earliest stated positions are not typically Republican either - on
trade, on international relations, on health care, on Social Security
and Medicare.
So, no, we're not talking Democrat or
Republican here. We're talking a dangerous authoritarian demagogue that
has managed to weasel, bluster and lie his way into the most powerful
office in the world.
Simply put, we have a liar as President of the United States.
I suppose you could call that a 'different kind of President'.
two months in, and he has already insulted and damaged our relationship
with our closest allies (Great Britain, NATO), telegraphed support and
approval to some of the world's most despotic and dangerous rulers
(Putin, Duterte), and provoked an unstable and volatile adversary (North
Korea). He is so completely unfit for office that there is a serious
likelihood that he could get us into a nuclear confrontation. Like many
autocrats, he adores the trappings and public display of military power
(although avoided military service of his own). He wanted to parade
tanks down Pennslylvania Avenue at his inauguration. He has said that
"we have nukes - why don't we use them?"
it seems that the Republican party is so invested in their agenda that
they don't care what he does as long as he signs what they want him to
sign. Removing him from office, even though they would still retain a
Republican president, would damage their ability to move legislation
with the speed that they need to enact all the pet projects that a
balanced government with any input from Democrats whatsoever would
prevent or at least mitigate - privatizing Social Security and Medicare,
eliminating the Department of Education, the EPA, neutering the
Department of Labor and the FDA, selling off federal lands, doing away
with any regulatory protections from pollution, poisons, workplace
regulations, etc., that could possibly hamper corporate profits,
eliminating consumer finance protections against predatory lending
policies, giving religious views of corporations priority over women's
right to healthcare and family planning of their choosing (to name only a
This is their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and
you can bet they are not going to kill the Goose that lays the Golden
Eggs. They get the Golden Eggs, and we get the Goose.
And this is happening in only two months of this Residency.
He must go.
he destroys American democracy. Before the worst-case scenario, which
was unthinkable for any previous American president, but a possibility
now - nuclear war.
Enough. We don't need a 'different kind of President'. We need a different President.