Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Big Adventure!

Ding Ding!

Are we having fun yet? (I love Photoshop!)


Anonymous said...

Ha ha!!! I LOVE IT!

I'm going to email you, Alicia, thanks for writing to me. You rock!!

See, we helped get the Downing Street Memo out there. I'm so proud of us....

Anonymous said...

Christ, I hope he stays out of the movie theatre. This could get sticky.

Alicia Morgan said...

Karena - I thought he was impressive in 'Fahrenheit 9/11'...real star quality..."Riveting! I couldn't look away!"

Helen - cool!! Looking forward to it! I'm still laughing about your Tommi pic...

oldwhitelady said...

That's a pretty good picture!

Alicia Morgan said...

Thanks! I need to make myself laugh every once in a while. It's certainly apropos, ain't it?

Anonymous said...

LOL! What an insult to Pee Wee. ;)

Alicia Morgan said...

I know, but I just couldn't help myself...