Monday, September 26, 2005

Jam Tomorrow

Does he have a quota to meet with the phrase 'moving forward'? Does his pay get docked if he doesn't squeeze it in somewhere?


Crabbi said...

Well, we must be moving forward if freedom's on the march. They kind of go together, like compassion and conservatism, an ownership society and keeping more of your own money, hurricane relief and no-bid contracts, an illegal war and no-bid contracts, global warming and -- ha ha, tricked you. There is no such thing as global warming. Heh, heh, heh, good one.

Alicia Morgan said...

Moving forward, making progress, hard work...fool me once, you won't get fooled again!

Crabbi said...

He works hard to love us. He just wants to practice his love.

Anonymous said...

I can't even bring myself to watch him on the news anymore. He's the verbal version of a top.

By the way - included you with the MEME links on my site. Just wanted to stop by and say 'Hi'!