Monday, September 05, 2005

All Over It Like A Cheap Suit


Linda Jones Malonson said...

I am a bit confused here. Are these real newspaper articles?

Alicia Morgan said...

LP - On 'Meet the Press', Michael Chertoff (head of Homeland Security), when asked how the President could be so 'misinformed' about Katrina, said, "Well, I think if you look at what actually happened, I remember on Tuesday morning picking up newspapers and I saw headlines, 'New Orleans Dodged The Bullet'". However, there were no actual newspapers with that sort of headline.

Those are articles I made up to illustrate the unbelievable ignorance and negligence of these people, who would base their life-and-death decisions on newspaper headlines that did not exist. This is what they would like to believe.

They are not real, except for in Bush and Co's so-called mind.

Alicia Morgan said...

BTW, they are real newspaper front pages - I just put my own captions to them.

Anonymous said...

OMG - brilliant.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Right Helen ... Brilliant! As a matter of fact I read here all the time --- these were so good I came out of lurk mode with a jolt!