Saturday, September 24, 2005

Bush's Compassionate Conservatism - Alive and Well!

This is just hilarious - at first I thought it was from the Onion. I got this juicy tidbit from Cernig over at NewsHog.

According to the U.K. Observer, the warm-hearted and philanthropic George Bush appealed to Americans to give money to help with the reconstruction of Iraq. The response was overwhelming, raising over six hundred dollars!
"The public's reluctance to contribute much more than the cost of two iPods to the administration's attempt to offer citizens 'a further stake in building a free and prosperous Iraq' has been seized on by critics as evidence of growing ambivalence over that country.

This coincides with concern over the increasing cost of the war. More than $30 billion has been appropriated for the reconstruction. Initially, America's overseas aid agency, USaid, expected it to cost taxpayers no more than $1.7bn, but it is now asking the public if they want to contribute even more."
Gee, where do I sign?


Yoga Korunta said...

George spends money as though it comes from others' wallets.

Tina said...

That's hysterical!! I wonder what would happen if he appealed for something that the majority of people actually cared about reconstructing. My church, alone, has raised nearly $1 million for Hurricane Katrina victims.

Anonymous said...

That totally knocked me for a loop. Guess the 'bushies' are not only too cowardly to actually enlist for a war they heartily endorse, they are cheapskates when it comes to supprting it monetarily!

Cheap AND cowardly! Those are the attributes that the rightwing "WWJD?" crowd espouses. PRICELESS.

Alicia Morgan said...

I read something hilarious from Macswain:

The call of the Chicken-Hawk: "Cheap, cheap!"

cookie christine said...

that's too funny! that's worse than Send Me a

Shelly said...

I think in the wake of how the vicitms of these two past "God telling us something" storms...Compassionate Conservatism should be changed to Conservative Compassion...

Alicia Morgan said...

Well, they've certainly been 'conservative' with their 'compassion'!