Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Dear George W. - Please Get Your Ass To A Meeting. Now.

...before you destroy the world! Dry drunks are bad enough. Active drunks are dangerous. Active drunks in charge of the free world are genocidal.

And I'd rather be a friend of Bill's than a friend of George's.

From Capitol Hill Blue...

Update - here it is from one of my fave ragazines the National 'em or hate 'em, they get it right a lot on things like that.


Alicia Morgan said...

I have noticed those parallels, too!

Anonymous said...

You are so correct: A dry drunk is bad enough - and he's definitely one of those, since he "refused therapy." I'm sure he's hittin' the bottle again. I only hope it means his downfall (before he kills again!!)