Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hurry! This Baby Won't Last Long!


Anonymous said...

Nice, girl! I love it.

Anonymous said...

That is simply AWESOME!

Macswain said...

I am especially fond of Cheney's jacket & tie combo.

Can I get that without also having to take the war?

cookie christine said...

ya know, I don't like the war I got. Can I get my money back?

Alicia Morgan said...

Do not presume to aspire to the sartorial splendor of Mr. Cheney. Can you imagine how masculine you must be, how cojonially endowed you must be to attempt an outfit of that caliber? The very fact that you are even visiting a sniveling liberal blog like this one calls your manhood into question.

If you can't hang with hundreds of thousands of innocent deaths, and billions and billions of dollars in blood money with a sardonic smirk on your face, don't even think about the jacket and tie.

Alicia Morgan said...

...but, welcome to Hooterville, Mac!

Alicia Morgan said...

Oh, Cookie, Cookie, Cookie...all sales are final! Didn't you read the fine print?

oldwhitelady said...

Hi Alicia - That's a great picture! Used Wars, indeed! Those bastards did sell the USA a used war. Both Afghanistan and Iraq have been fought against by several different countries. Apparently, they're hard to get the better of. Sure, we can kill off the natives with our bombs, disease, and hardship, but we really don't manage to win.
Imagine that!

Alicia Morgan said...

Thanks, OWL - I had a lot of fun with that.

It's true, too - we've been sold a 'pre-owned' war with no reliable information. War is, after all, the Bush family business - the war business increases the oil business, and the oil business increases the war business, going back for many generations. It's a sweet deal for them.

wanda said...

That's so on point!
Just one thing, I think they have Cheney and Rove mixed up. Cheney's the one with the rumored 'big package'. Of course he needs it, since he's not only his own, but Dubya's 'dick' as well!

Alicia Morgan said...

I know - I really wanted to put him there for that reason, but the other guy had the contract for Halliburton, so I had to put Rove there...I almost put W there, and there was a girl there that I Photoshopped out who would have been Condoleezza...well, maybe I could do another one! The opportunities are endless!

Robert Rouse said...

Although Kurt Russell might be a little miffed, you did good!

Alicia Morgan said...

Thanks, Robert - hey, it was too good to pass up...

Alicia Morgan said...

Rummy has to stay where he is, though ;-)