Wednesday, July 27, 2005

New! Cartoons for the Unpaid Punditry Corps!

I have been invited by the Unpaid Punditry Corps, a very fine blog-a-zine, to be one of their political cartoonists! The UPC, for those of you who are unfamiliar with it, is a collective of writers with viewpoints all over the political spectrum, who come togther to have, not an 'echo chamber', but serious debate between right and left, without namecalling, ad hominem attacks or circular rhetoric - what a concept. They all 'agree to disagree', and disagree they most certainly do, but in an intelligent and reasonably respectful way.

Now I'll be the first to admit that Hooterville is definitely one-sided; I started it to find a way to express the frustration I've felt ever since 2000, although the 2004 'selection' was the impetus. But I also feel that the only way we can all win is to have honest, respectful dialogue between both sides - what's the point of our side prevailing if we neutralize the other half of the country like we've been neutralized? We're all Americans and we have to find a way to do this together, and I believe the UPC has a great approach to this.

The managing editor of the UPC is Mr. M, whose own blog Left of Center inspired me to start a political blog, so I am very honored to be asked to contribute. I hope you all will check out the UPC - if it's not the future of our discourse, it should be!


Jon said...

Congrats! I'll be sure to follow your posts. - Mud

Alicia Morgan said...

I'll be cartooning only, which works for me as their level of analysis and punditry is a little above where I'm at. I'm excited about spending time honing my cartoon skills again - my art side has been neglected for way too long...

Kyle E. Moore said...

Thanks for the kind words, Luv.

Actually, I'm being very selfish, my goal is to suck up all the decent talent on the internet to build a media mogle empire upon.

kissfan said...

Congratulations Alicia. I'll be watching for your toons!

oldwhitelady said...

WooHoo! Congratulations ALicia! That's a fantastic. Your cartoons are fun, but still tell the current events.

Karlo said...

Very cool Alicia! I've added the site to my blogroll.

Crabbi said...

OMG, congratulations! I love your cartoons...

Anonymous said...

WOW! Congrats, Alicia! That's awesome. You are so talented. I just wrote you an email lauding your post on my blog (re: Roeper) suggesting you oughta write comedy for someone, now you are going to cartoon! That is so great. I'm thrilled for you. I also intend to spend time perusing the site, it sounds wonderful.

Cernig said...

Hi Alicia,

I just wanted to thank you for adding your talents to the UPC and welcome you to the team. It's wild and wacky sometimes at the UPC but I think we actually do some good by showing that divisiveness for it's own sake plays into the hands of the extremist nutcases and gives them control over everyone else.

Regards, C

Alicia Morgan said...

Thanks, C! I'm happy about adding my 'bit' to the UPC, and I think the Hootervillians are going to enjoy it as well.

Wild and wacky works for me!

Best, A