Ahhh yes. When I'm down and out - when I'm on the street - when evening falls so hard...there's always a sunshiny face to cheer me up! Who else but that politician's politician, Miz Katherine Harris!! Her relentless optimism in the face of disaster (especially that of her own making!) is nothing short of inspirational. Just take a gander at the happy news on her website!
TAMPA, FL- Congresswoman Katherine Harris, the Republican candidate for the United States Senate, soundly defeated Bill Nelson this evening by a 54% to 45% margin in the straw poll conducted at the Lakeland Bi-Annual Politics in the Park. The Harris campaign continues to build momentum, engendering tremendous grassroots support throughout the state with a pro-growth, pro-family message that resonates across the political spectrum.Kiddies, I'm from Florida. I know Lakeland - I used to work there on a regular basis. It is a lovely area and I can tell you that it is a roiling sea of fundamentalism - some of the local preachers make Jerry Falwell look like a Unitarian-Universalist. So if Bill Nelson is getting 45% of the vote in Lakeland - well, let's just say that if I were Katherine I wouldn't be bragging about that.
Kathy, Kathy, Kathy - you're the best!
That is one scary looking woman. God love her, because there isn't a sane human being on earth that could.
Alicia, please save us from the wicked witch of Florida!
Not only is she the best, she is purty too!
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