This morning I was interviewed by phone in reference to an article in The Independent of London by Andrew Buncombe. It should be out tomorrow. I have no idea how much, if anything, I said will be used in the article, but it should be interesting.
Update - I stand corrected - it's out now.
Hi Alicia,
Congratulations on The Independent article, that's great. I really like your blog and the things you've written and said about the current state of affairs.
In The Independent you say "Have you, like me, been recalling the great protest songs of the Sixties, and wondered where the new protest songs are?" If you get a chance, I really hope you do listen to the song "Talkin' America tis of thee Blues" by Joel Moore at www.joelmoore.org.
This is the link to the song:
I think you would really like it. With lyrics, he expresses similar sentiment:
"Now people believe me when I say
God went public the other day
I saw him jumpin'up & down shoutin IPO
Well his stock shot up right through the roof
So we synchronized our satellites and gathered our troops
and reported for duty over at sand dune thirty-two..
Our souls are frost bit
downwind this arrogant wit
in an Earth drowning fit
in rides our service-dodging President
Bloggers can't wait to hear the Alicia Morgan solo! Impeach!
No solo for me (or anyone, as far as I know) - it's all choir, although I am in the alto section.
Alicia: Congratulations! I can't wait to hear this album.
What is your impression of the possibility of Neil touring the new disc? If it is as powerful as you say and it sounds, he could be stunning.
If you are interested in other politically influenced songs, you might want to check out: James McMurtry: 'They Can't Make It Here Anymore' and Jon Langford (a U.K. ex-pat, memeber of The Mekons) 'Lost In America'.
-Chicago reader
Alicia, I just heard you on CNN. Hooray!
Well done... rock on with your bad self Alicia!
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