Sunday, October 16, 2005

Coming Attractions!

Listening to Johnny Wendell on our local Progressive Talk station KTLK, I heard Jane Hamsher of firedoglake holding forth on the imminent indictments coming 'round the mountain. This is a great blog that I have heretofore missed since I don't have the time to check out every cool blog out there, but you can bet I'll be making it a regular read.

She's been paying very close attention to the Judith "Gee, I Forgot" Miller debacle, and her guess is that several big-ass indictments will be handed out, starring Scooter Libby, Karl Rove and Stephen Hadley...and featuring special guest star Dick Cheney as an unindicted co-conspirator!

And the mystery 'second source' who corroborated Libby for Judy Blue Eyes? That suave, debonair, smooth-talking silver-tongued ladies' man John Bolton!

It will be interesting to see this play out.


Yoga Korunta said...

Oh, Alicia, poetic justice come true?

Crabbi said...

I hope so, too! It's about freaking time...

Alicia Morgan said...

YK, Crabby - I'm almost afraid to hope. Normally, I'd expect the wheels of justice to roll, but in Hooterville, United States of Bizarro-America, nothing is as it seems.

Anonymous said...

This makes me very hopeful indeed. I feel giddy!