Monday, August 07, 2006

OPTC Blog Up

I've started a blog just for "Operation Preaching To The Choir" because I feel that this is an important enough issue that it deserves its own space.

This blog will be a place to talk about reaching out to those liberals and moderates who are, for whatever reasons, staying out of the political process and inviting them to be a part of taking back our country. Without them, we may not be able to do it.

You're invited to drop by!

Operation Preaching To The Choir


DivaJood said...

Good one Alicia! I linked to it on my blog, and put a comment on it, and posted about it with link on my blog as well. Little by little, and I pray it's not too late.

Alicia Morgan said...

Thanks, Diva! If you'd like to do a guest post, write and let me know.